Pirates case in the Mekhong 泰国金三角 湄公河事件

Twisted and concealed truth in the Mekhong attack case Oct. 05 2011


 NINE suspects, all Royal Thai Army personnel, have turned themselves in for the attack on the Mekong River near the Thai-Myanmar border in which 13 Chinese sailors were killed, Thai police chief Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong said yesterday. The nine soldiers involved were from the Third Army Command, headquartered in Phitsanulok, responsible for the northern parts of the kingdom, Damapong said. He emphasized that the army and the government were not behind the killings. He said the police suspect the servicemen acted on the order of some local tycoons and further investigation is under way. He also said the Third Army Command assisted police in making the arrests. "They are now put under custody in the city of Chiang Rai," Damapong said. The victims were crew members on two cargo ships attacked on October 5 in the "Golden Triangle", where the borders of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos meet, a region notorious for drug smuggling. Their bodies were found and salvaged from the river in northern Thailand. The visiting Chinese vice minister of public security, Zhang Xinfeng, said the case will soon be referred for judicial proceedings. "There has been important progress in this case today, and nine suspects have been caught, showing the case has been basically cracked," Zhang said. "Investigators will find more details, and China will continue to work with Thailand." All nine suspects will stand for trial before a military court, according to the website of China's People's Daily.

  杀害我船员的嫌犯系泰国第三军区的9名士兵 人民网曼谷10月28日电 (记者孙广勇)泰国警察总监飘潘28日下午在接受记者采访时表示,在湄公河杀害中国船员的嫌犯已经到案,他们是隶属于泰国第三军区“帕莽”军营的9名士兵。   飘潘在回答本网记者提问时一再强调,这9名士兵是泰国军队中的败类,杀害中国船员是他们的个人行为。这类案件是在泰国首次发生,士兵的个人行为与军队无关。   飘潘还表示,正是在第三军区的积极配合下,9名犯罪嫌疑人迅速归案。目前,他们被拘押于清莱,警方正将加紧调查。相信作案经过、作案动机很快能够查清。至于外界关注的9名士兵是否与贩毒团伙有关,泰国警方正在侦查。泰国警方相信,如果涉及贩毒,其背后很可能是当地有权势的人物,而非政府公职人员,更重要的是把隐藏在背后的贩毒集团头目抓到。   据记者了解,9名涉案士兵将最终提交泰国军事法庭进行审判。泰国国防部的朋友告诉记者,“帕莽”军营于1956年以第7装甲团为基础组建,负责边境巡逻,军营位于泰国北部的难府。几经调整后,2008年确定该部队的执行任务区域为从泰北夜丰颂府至彭世洛府与莱府交界处,约950公里的泰缅、泰老边境线,范围几乎覆盖泰北所有地区边境线。军营现在位于清迈府清迈市的绰达纳路上。

9 army men arrested for killing Chinese sailors on Mekong River: Thai police chief


The 4th Media » 9 Thai soldiers were arrested for killing 13 Chinese crew members in Mekong River, but they denied


Thai soldiers detained over Mekong attack


Special Report: In Mekong, Chinese murders and bloody diplomacy



Thai Army becomes Chalerm's fall guy in Mekong murders


Suspects of Mekong River attack want to clear their names 


泰國的毒品問題 日益嚴重的毒品問題據泰國政府統計,每年約有10億粒冰毒從金三角滲入泰國內地。為了遏制毒品不斷蔓延的勢頭,近年來,泰國政府在聯合國有關機構的支援下,投入資金和技術,指導當地居民開展替代種植和替代發展,努力幫助傳統罌粟種植區擺脫對毒品經濟的依賴。據當地官員介紹,泰國盛行的毒品主要是海洛因、大麻、冰毒、嗎啡等,其中冰毒最為暢銷,吸食者多為青少年、旅遊者和外籍勞工。隨著泰國政府打擊毒品犯罪的力度不斷加大,冰毒來源日益困難,正逐漸被一種稱為“咳嗽藥”的新型毒品取代。毒品的運輸途徑主要是從泰國北部、中部地區經陸路運到泰南,也有部分從海上經鄰國入境,販運方式更是花樣翻新。政府禁毒措施泰國政府將禁毒列為主要施政目標,尤其是他信政府上臺執政後,立即向毒品全面宣戰。去年伊始,他信總理親自督導全國範圍內的掃毒行動,從剷除毒品生産源頭、切斷毒品運輸渠道、強制吸毒人員戒毒改造三方面入手,力圖利刃斬毒爪。政府先後在全國各地建立了幾百個戒毒中心,並在軍營設置改造營,對吸毒者採取強制封閉式戒毒,並撥出專款,購置新式檢測設備,增強緝毒力量,出臺更為嚴厲的反洗錢法,對縱容販毒的幕後人物採取沒收資産和罰款等嚴厲舉措。與此同時,泰國積極開展同周邊國家在禁毒領域的合作,與中國、緬甸、寮國等周邊國家定期舉行會議,交換資訊,磋商對策,部署一系列聯合搜捕行動,搗毀了一批毒品加工廠。