Mobile Suit Gundam

GUNDAM Development Project

Mobile Suit Gundam (機動戰士GUNDAM)

Super Gundam developemnt project

Real Gundam RX-78-2 Gundam Ver.G30th

Its height : 18m
Its weight : 36t

Gundam opening theme

Gundam on the CM"Cup Noodle"

模型戰士GUNDAM模型製作家 起始G
Mokei Senshi Gunpla Builders Beginning G Anime Announced

Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G (Mokei Senshi Ganpura Birudāzu Biginingu Jī?) is an original video animation series produced by Sunrise to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Gundam plastic model kits. It's directed by Kou Matsuo and written by Yousuke Kuroda, and features character designs by Kaichiro Terada. The OVA is first released in August 15, 2010 to December 19, 2010 with 3 15-minute Episodes. Unlike other Gundam titles, Gunpla Builders Beginning G takes place in a present-day timeline. Aside to the OAV, two novel sequels were released in Dengeki Hobby Magazine.
While attending the 1/1 RX-78-2 Gundam display event in Odaiba's Shiokaze Park, Haru Irei goes to the merchandise section to choose a Gunpla kit. When he fails to pick up the last available High Grade (HG) 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam kit, he discovers the HG 1/144 GPB-X80 Beginning Gundam and makes it his own. With his newly assembled kit, Haru participates in Gunpla Battle, a virtual simulation game where players have their Gunpla models scanned and battle each other with them. After his first encounter with the mysterious Boris Schauer and his HG 1/144 GPB-X38-30 Forever Gundam, Haru upgrades his Beginning Gundam before he and his friends Kenta Sakazaki and Rina Noyama enter the national Gunpla Battle tournament. The tournament ends with no clear winner, with Haru and Boris continuing to clash their beam sabers at each other. One year later, all of the main Gunpla kits of the series are on display at a hobby shop as Haru encourages younger kids to follow the same path he took. In a Gunpla Battle, participants enter simulation cockpits that resemble the linear seats of later-Universal Century mobile suits. They place their Gunpla models in a scanning device that resembles a Haro unit. Oversized Haro units are also available to scan larger kits such as the 1/144 RX-78 GP03 Dendrobium. From there, they pilot their mobile suits in a simulated battlefield such as Tokyo or A Baoa Qu.
It is important to note that the mobile suit's statistics are relevant to the build quality of the Gunpla model. For example, a fully detailed Gunpla model with high quality paint and adhesive will perform better in a Gunpla Battle than one that is simply built straight out of the box. In addition, the scale of the Gunpla model is crucial in Gunpla Battle. For instance, a participant can pilot a Big Zam mobile armor, but if the Gunpla kit is 1/550 scale, then it is actually smaller in the battlefield than a 1/144 scale mobile suit.

GPB-X38-30 Forever Gundam
Boris Schauer's customized Gunpla based on the 1/144 HG Version 30th RX-78-2 Gundam, with additional armor and four detachable Variable Speed Beam Rifle (VSBR) funnels. The Gunpla kit is essentially the Version 30th kit, but with the added blue armor parts and the funnels with backpack attachment. As the chest armor covers the beam saber holders on the backpack, the beam sabers are mounted on the forearms.
RX-93-ν2 Hi-ν Gundam GPB Color
Koji's Gunpla that he uses to challenge Haru. Apparently a customized version of the 1/144 HGUC RX-93-ν2 Hi-ν (Nu) Gundam with an original white and black color scheme. In animation production, three kits of Hi-ν Gundam were used in order to obtain three pairs of movable fin funnels (in actual HGUC/GPB Gunpla, only one pair is movable). In episode one, the Hi-ν is defeated by the Beginning Gundam, as it was built by Koji's assistant, who did not discover a weak polycap on its left hip. In episode 3, Koji rebuilds the kit by himself; however, it is defeated by the Beginning 30 in the A Baoa Qu stage of the Gunpla Battle tournament.
The series also marks Hi-ν Gundam's animation debut.
GPB-06F Super Custom Zaku F2000
Tatsu's customized, heavily armed Gunpla, based on the 1/144 HGUC MS-06F2 Zaku F2. It is colored purple and dark gray. Armament consists of a Deadend G Heat Hawk, Super Custom MMP-80 90mm Machine Gun and MMP-78 120mm Zaku Machine Gun, a forearm-mounted machine gun and shoulder-mounted missile launchers. In addition, the Zaku F2000 has two additional arms to hold all of its weaponry. The Zaku F2000 displays its lethal potential in episode 2 by heavily damaging Kenta's Byaku Shiki, but reveals its Achilles' heel when the poor-quality adhesive used on the kit causes the armor parts to go brittle and crumble off the suit. This results in a swift defeat at the hands of Haru and his rebuilt Beginning Gundam. In episode 3, Tatsu rebuilds the kit with improved materials and is seen destroying an RX-78 GP03S Gundam Stamen in the A Baoa Qu stage.
GPB-04B Beargguy
Rina's customized Gunpla (where she called New Beargguy in animation), a modified 1/144 HGUC MSM-04 Acguy made to look like a teddy bear. Beargguy is a high-firepower mobile suit carrying with a recorder-like beam rifle and a missile launcher backpack designed to resemble a school satchel bag. Its bear eyes are actually mega-beam launchers - a play on the term "Beam Launcher from the eye", which can be pronounced the same in Japanese. (The HG model kit provides eye stickers with emotions as additional parts.) In episode 3, the Beargguy's mega-beam launchers nearly destroy Diane's Kämpfer.
Proto Beargguy
The prototype of Beargguy seen in episode 2. It is seen wearing a bear-hat, holding a fish.
MSN-00100 Byaku Shiki
Kenta's customized build of the Hyaku Shiki (based on the 1/144 HGUC Hyaku Shiki with Mega Beam Launcher). Kenta painted it white and changed the original kit's "Hyaku" mark to the kanji for white and calls it "Byaku Shiki" . During its battle in episode 2, the Byaku Shiki loses its legs to an attack by Tatsu's Zaku F2000, but it manages to inflict damage on the Zaku F2000 firing its hyper bazooka at its chest armor.
MSN-04 Sazabi GPB Color
Kenta's second Gunpla, a customized white HGUC 1/144 MSN-04 Sazabi. The Sazabi engages in battle with Sam's RX-79BD-1 Blue Destiny Unit 1 in episode 3.

Mobil Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G

Gundam00 image song

GREEN TOKYO Gundam Project
Wikipedia : GREEN TOKYO Gundam Project
Sunrise Inc.
Sunrise studio
Mobile Suit Gundam

Gundam on the CM"Cup Noodle"

Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo
Gundam in Odaiba 1.
Gundam in Odaiba 2.

A dream come true

Gundam's song"SEED DESTINY"
Gundam-theme song sung by"HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR"
本作品的主要故事是描寫兩個政治上對立組織的戰爭中,偶然但主動地成為軍用機器人駕駛員的主角,以及他的同伴們,在戰火中拼命求生的群像劇。不止主角方面,支援主角的人們以及與主角對立的吉翁公國軍官士兵也有許多個性豐富的人物。本作品對於雙方角色的細緻描寫使得作品的世界內容非常豐富,也產生了許多有思想深度的名場景與故事。本作品中少年在地球與殖民地的戰亂中,為阻止吉恩軍對平民的無辜伤害,偶然中坐上聯邦軍的新銳的機動兵器「Mobile Suit」GUNDAM(高達) RX-78-2,跟著白色基地流轉於地球與宇宙間的情節,也在日後許多續作中出現。包括 中的卡缪·比丹,與 中的捷多·亚西塔。телевизионный аниме-сериал, 3 полнометражных анимационных фильма и OVA снятые студией Sunrise по мотивам манги Mobile Suit Gundam. Автор сценария и режиссёр. Идёт 0079 год Универсального Века (Universal Century). Вследствие перенаселённости Земли человечество совершило бросок в космос и создало гигантские колонии под названием «Стороны». Одна из них, Сторона-3, желая отделиться от Земли, объявляет метрополии войну. Провозгласив себя Герцогством Зион, мятежники предпринимают массированное наступление.
Сериал начинается с нападения Зиона на «Сторону-7», производящую прототипы нового вооружения Земли. Жители эвакуируются с колонии. Среди них оказывается Амуро Рей, случайно обнаруживший, как погружают в корабль мобильный доспех RX-78-2 Gundam. Увлечённый техникой, подросток забирается внутрь, активирует механизм и отражает атаку Зиона. Позже вместе с остальными выжившими он оказывается на борту корабля «White Base», испытывающего нехватку персонала. In de verre toekomst waarin Mobile Suit Gundam zich afspeelt zijn het niet langer tanks en gevechtsvliegtuigen waarmee een oorlog gewonnen kan worden. De revolutionaire nieuwe wapens die het Principality of Zeon introduceert en hen aanvankelijk de oorlog lijken te doen winnen zijn zogenaamde Mobile Suits; humanoïde gevechtsrobots die van binnenuit door een piloot bestuurt worden. Hoewel de humanoïde vorm in werkelijkheid waarschijnlijk zeer onhandig zou zijn, wordt zij in de serie goedgepraat door het schijnbare nut bij voortbeweging in de ruimte. In deze originele serie passeert een groot aantal verschillende modellen de revue, vooral aan de zijde van het Principality. Het is echter pas in de Gelgoog dat zij een passende concurrent voor de Gundam ontwikkelen, wanneer het voor hen echter reeds te laat is. Kidō senshi Gundam Gundam 0079 機動戰士高達
кидо: сэнси гандаму อามุโร่ เรย์ เด็กหนุ่มที่อาศัยอยู่ในไซด์ 7 ได้ขึ้นบังคับกันดั้ม [RX-78-2] ในครั้งที่ซีออนบุกมาโจมคีไซด์7 ทั้งที่ขึ้นขับเป็นครั้งแรก ก็สามารถทำลายแซค[zaku] ของซีออนได้ถึง2เครื่อง หลังจากนั้นอามุโร่ก็ได้เข้าประจำการ และเป็นกำลังสำคัญให้กับกองทัพโลก ทางซีออนเองก็มีชาร์ อัสนาเบิลฉายาดาวหางสีแดง เป็นกำลังสำคัญเช่นกัน ในตอนท้ายของสงคราม ราร่า คนรักของชาร์ และหญิงที่อามุโร่หลงรัก ได้ยอมสละชีวิตตนเพื่อช่วยชาร์จากการโจมตีของอามุโร่ ทำให้ทั้งชาร์ และ อามุโร่ กลายเป็นคู่แค้นกันตั้งแต่นั้น เป็นต้นมา สุดท้ายแล้วสหพันโลกก็สามารถเอาชนะสงตราม1ปีได้ ชาร์หายสาบสูญ อามุโร่ยังคงเป็นทหารของกองทัพต่อไป 日昇動畫 주식회사 선라이즈 سانرایز (استودیو)